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Don't you love it when a "mistake" turns out to be an improvement? That happened to me with a spaghetti sauce and I've never gone back to the original recipe.

Your shawl is stunning and the color is fab!

Hello Joan,
I am back from my Summer 'siesta' (at last!)and it is lovely to be catching up with everyone again!
Your shawl is beautiful my friend...and isn't it great when a mistake just turns out to make an even lovelier item?...I love your yarn choice too...and it looks so pretty on the top photograph there...
Wishing you a lovely crafty weekend,
Susan x

It's lovely!

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Image 5

Only Ewe Headband Knitting Pattern $3.99

Image 51

Three Stringed Vest $3.99
Flutatious Wristwarmer Pattern $4.00

Undula Wristwarmer Pattern $4.00