I'm still knitting the black cotton vest. Black is rather boring so I thought I'd show you some color and texture -- these are photos from time spent in my garden this week.

I finished planting the open shade garden next to the deck.

The succulent beds are filling in nicely.

My lemon tree is producing awesome lemons -- just waiting for them to ripen.

Adding some greens to the pots by the front door. The lemon cypress smells so deliciously lemony.

And more green for the container garden as we move into winter (at least that's what they call it around here, but it's very unlike the winters I once knew).
Lots of color and texture, right? And then there's the black vest looking not too different from the last time I posted a photo of it. I'll save those exciting shots for the next post. What's giving texture and color to your world these days?