After what has felt like an eternity, I am happy to say that the back of my acorn cardigan is now complete and boy, am I glad to see the back of it!
In case you've forgotten, I'd got about 2/3rds of the back knit when I noticed a mistake in the cable pattern so I'd tinked that down and reknit it all back up and was on my merry way when I encountered an issue in my stitch count and it was so significant that I had to take a serious look at the pattern and that's when I realized I had cast on for the wrong size. So I frogged the whole thing and started again.
I'm knitting this cardigan in a finer gauge yarn than the pattern calls for plus I am using denim yarn so I've had to knit the whole thing 12% longer to account for the shrinkage. Which is also why it looks a bit stringy right now -- once it's washed and shrunk the stitches will pull together nicely.
The sleeves are already knit but I still have the two fronts of this cardigan to do. However, I'm thinking of taking a break and working on something else -- preferably with a bulky yarn and no cables. We'll see. What project are you finishing/starting this year?