Well, it's just under a year since I received my Colonial Rosewood Interchangeable Needles and I've been asked more than a few times (and just yesterday again) how I feel about them now that some time has passed.
I still like them very much. I've used them A LOT. But there have been a few disappointments along the way which, in the event you are considering buying them, you may want to know about.
1. Quality control is not 100%. It was months after getting the needles that I went to use one of the larger size tips and discovered that it was not properly constructed. I had purchased my set at Webs and they were able to replace the tip right on the spot, but their comment, "no problem, this happens a lot" tells me that my experience was not unique. Do your own quality control on ALL tips when you make your purchase.
2. The little gold painted numbers VERY QUICKLY rub off with wear so if you still want to be able to identify the size of your tips at a glance in the future, paint over the number with a light coat of clear nail polish.
3. The 16" cable is one I don't use because it is so short/stiff that it does not join smoothly -- thus you'll have yarn catching on the join on one side (very frustrating). I have heard from other users that this flaw has been noted by the manufacturer and they are working on improving that for future sets (not sure how soon this change will happen or if it's happened already).
4. The case is very flimsy and I find myself wishing (often) that the fabric was a little stiffer.
5. The tips screw on which means they also screw off. You want to make sure your tips are tight when you pick up your knitting as it is possible for them to loosen in your knitting bag or over time if your garment is heavy and you may be left holding a tip with your stitches on the floor (doesn't happen often but I try to remember to tighten things up regularly).
Having said all that, I'm still a fan and I still haven't found anything out there I like better. The rosewood is very smooth, very strong and still has a good point to it even after a year's use (there are tips I've used a LOT, 4.5 mm for example, that still feel like new). I still think it's one of the best materials for wool-free yarns.
If you've got any first-hand experience with these needles please share it by leaving a comment!